Mimmo Jodice

The appetite comes with watching

 Sight is absolutely the favourite sense of Mimmo Jodice, though he says “the exercise of seeing predisposes the taste and amplifies the food pleasure”. He remembers his youth in the ancient centre of Naples during the hard postwar period and some rituals linked to the household hearth such as the smell of coffee beans and the foods of the feasts. In his memory there are the vivid images of the hen sacrificed on the occasion of Sunday lunch, and those of the person who sacrifices Easter lamb in the neighbourhood of Sanità. Above all else, he regrets the periodicity of food of the past, but his madeleine still remains bread dressed in oil and salt, a very simple dish that he still eats for breakfast.
The Mediterranean is his source of inspiration. Thinking of it as the cradle of the Mediterranean Diet, it invokes the sun, the sea, the scents, the land, the old olive tree groves that seem to him sculptures, the vineyards, barrels, red wine, the grain feasts, but he also thinks of the symbols of Mediterranean foods in the Baroque still-life paintings that inspired his photographic series Eden, and another on Mediterranean breads, planned with friend Predrag Matvejevic, but remained unfinished. 

Interview information


Mimmo Jodice

Year: 1934
City: Napoli
Profession: Doctor
Languages: Italiano


Jodice, M., Eden, testo di Germano Celant, Leonardo Arte, Milano 1998

Jodice, M., Isolario Mediterraneo, testo di Predrag Matvejevic, Federico Motta Editore, Milano 2000
Matvejevic, P., Breviario Mediterraneo
Matvejevic, P.,Pane Nostro, Saggi Corsari, Garzanti, Milano, 2010


Document by: Helga Sanità, MedEatResearch - Centro di Ricerche Sociali sulla Dieta Mediterranea, diretto da Marino Niola, intervistaa cura di Helga Sanità, traduzione scheda in inglese a cura di Rossella Galletti, sottotitoli in inglese a cura di Maria Funiciello
Video by: video a cura di Davide Mancini
Created: 11-03-2013

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