Giorgio Colombero

A family of herders in Cervignasco and Canosio (CN)

 Giorgio Colombero was born in 1950 and he has been a herder since his youth. He worked in  Canosio and Cervignasco.
Colombero describes his work and the profound transformations the profession undergone in the past fifty years. He tells the history of Nostrale d’Alpe cheese consortium and the positive outputs of this initiative, He also pointed out the symbolic value of many practices concerning herding, such as the use bells for distinguishing the different animals.
This interview was collected for a research promoted by the Cuneo Province Council - Department of Agriculture, parks and forest and conducted by the University of Gastronomic Sciences in order to institute the archive Cuneo province agriculture between tradition and innovation.  

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Saluzzo

District: CN

Suburb: Cervignasco

Altitude: 280m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Giorgio Colombero

Year: 1950
Profession: Other
Languages: Italiano, dialetto piemontese


All'origine dei sapori. Cuneo, viaggio tra i prodotti agroalimentari della provincia, a cura di Erica Croce e Giovanni Perri, Bra, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche-Slow Food Editore, 2012, pp. 64-65.

Document by: Gianpaolo Fassino, Luca Percivalle
Video by: Luca Percivalle
Created: 21-03-2013

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