Eliana Baici

Novara is changed thanks to the university

 Interviewed in 2010, Eliana Baici, born in 1957, is the Head of the Faculty of Economic Studies at the University of Eastern Piedmont in Novara.
She was grew up in  Sant'Agabio neigbourhood. 
Eliana Baici highlights the importance of the University in the city and recalls memory of her native neighbourhood, her youth, some traditional food, such as risotto and frittole (cream puff), and feasts.  

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Novara

District: NO

Altitude: 162m s.l.m.

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Eliana Baici

Date of birth: 01-27-1957
City: Novara
School: University
Profession: Teacher/Professor
Languages: Italiano

Document by: Luca Ghiardo
Video by: Luca Ghiardo, Alessandro Raimondo
Created: 20-10-2010

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