Safete Halili e Rifat Redjepi
Dal Kossovo in guerra a Rivalta
Video table of contents
- Dal Kossovo a Trieste in barca e poi a Rivalta al “Filo d’Erba”
- Integrazione: accoglienza, parto, cibo, usanze diverse tra la terra natia e Rivalta
- Attesa dell’ottenimento della cittadinanza italiana
- Rifat: il suo racconto della fuga e dei diversi lavori fatti in Kossovo e in Italia
- Il futuro dei loro figli e’ ormai immaginato in Italia
- Dopo 14 anni l’assegnazione di un alloggio in Rivalta: emotivamente “quasi” una nuova partenza.
Interview information
Country: IT
Region: Piemonte
City: Rivalta di Torino
District: TO
Altitude: 295m s.l.m.
Safete Halili
Year: 1973
Rifat Redjepi
Year: 1965
Document by: Carlo Cassinis, Massimo Chiappone
Video by: Carlo Cassinis, Massimo Chiappone
Created: 24-06-2013
Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
M.I.O Domani project, Rivalta di Torino: Memories, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
M.I.O Domani project, Rivalta di Torino: Memories, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
This archive contains the stories of workers who lived during the years of the development and crisis of this important Italian industrial centre. They investigate the jobs that used to exist, the stories of those who came to Rivalta to look for a job, the memories of the local food and of the food that migrants brought with them. But also the memory of the wars and of the resistance: not only the Partisan Resistance and the Wars of the previous century, but also modern wars (Balkans, Middle-East…) and the defensive “resistance” and the promotion of the territory. A common archive that grows in time. Project promoted by the City of Rivalta di Torino and by MIO Domani Association.