Donna Meyer

The Master Gardener's experience

Donna Meyer, interviewed by the students of the Ohio Wesleyan University, is a member of the Delaware County Master Gardeners Association  and a second generation farmer.

In the interview she tells the history of her family explaining the profound link between her and her relatives' experiences  and agriculture. She reconstructs the social history of agriculture in the past century, highlighting the main changes that this industry met. In so doing, she brings to the foreground the radical change in social perception of agriculture and the raise in recognition that farming experienced in the past decades.


Interview information

Geographic information

Country: US

City: Delaware, Ohio

Altitude: 255m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Donna Meyer

Year: 1960
Profession: Farmer
Languages: English

Document by: Michele F. Fontefrancesco
Video by: Christopher Fink, Abigail Walsh, John Batchelder, Alyse Marotta, Rebecca Powditch, Zach Ross
Created: 27-09-2011

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