Franca Ferrero

Truffle hunt from mother to daughter

 Franca Ferrero of Farigliano (Cuneo), born in 1974, started truffles hunting when she was a child. According to his mother, she is the only truffle huntress in  the area

In the interview talks about her experience, starting with the choice of dogs and their training, who she personally, does.

Franca does not like to hunt by night, for fear of the wild boars. She prefers at dawn. She tells rumors about the truffle, the places where they grow, the best time for the hunt, and the best preservation techniques.

She recalls that her mother went to truffles until the age of 75 and then she had to stop because of health problems. 
The interview concludes by recalling the relations with other truffles, and the most beautiful truffle she  found: a sample of 270 grams, sold to a friend. 

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
The white truffle

The white truffle

The archive investigates white truffles, known for their taste and frivolous aspects, but not for their cultural characteristics which plasmed generations of truffle hunters. The research presents a substrate of knowledge documented through dozens of interviews: historical and anthropological elements, rituals and myths on this prized fungus, still considered nowadays a nocturnal mystery. The project was promoted by the University of Gastronomic Sciences, l’Athe National Association “Città del Tartufo”, the national centre for truffle research and the Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation.

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