Roselide Barcellini

Istituto storico per lIstituto per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea nel Biellese, nel Vercellese e in Valsesia

Roselide Barcellini was born into a farming family in  Borgosesia (Vercelli) on May 25 1926.
A young protagonist of the civil resistance, she recounts the war of liberation as it was experie nced in the factories, recalling her own personal collaboration. She tells the story of how she was stopped by the Fascists in March 1945. After the war, she joined the PCI, the Italian Communist Party, and began to work as a shop floor activist. She subsequently joined the UDI, the Italian Women’s Union, and the Fronte della gioventù, or Young People’s Front. She dedicates the final part of the interview to the memory of her husband Angin, a head of the partisan police and a political refugee in the former Czechoslovakia.  

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Borgosesia

District: VC

Altitude: 354m s.l.m.

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Roseilde Barcellini

Date of birth: 05-25-1926
City: Borgosesia
Languages: italiano

Document by: Marta Nicolo
Video by: Marta Nicolo, Enrico Pagano
Created: 10-02-2012

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