Giovanni Dalmasso

A herdsman in the Po valley

Giovanni Dalmasso was born in Chiuda di Pesio in 1958. He speaks about the work of a herdsman and the traditions in the area of the Po river's springs. 
Giovanni Dalmasso explains how he learned the crafts from his family and handed it down to his children. He describes the experience of cheese production, and the work in direct contact with nature.He, moreover, tells of the traditions related to the feast of St. John and narrates about the legendary figures of servanots, wild men, and masche, witches, specifically talking about the caves of the Rio Martino a few kilometers away from the Poìs spring. 

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Crissolo

District: CN

Altitude: 1318m s.l.m.

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Giovanni Dalmasso

Year: 1958
City: Chiusa di Pesio
Profession: Farmer
Languages: Italiano

Document by: Michele F. Fontefrancesco

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