Antonia Madelaine Vàzquez

Food anthropology in Cuba

Antonia Madelaine Vàzquez 1959 was interviewed in 2011. She suggests a study within the story of tcuban nutrition, retracing the most important historical milestones that influenced Cuba’s population and gastronomy. She outlines the main phases starting from the Indios’ alimentation to the the arrival of the Spanish colonists, from the French and the italian influence to the Soviet Union’s one, from the difficult situation with the United States until this day.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: CU

City: L'Avana

Altitude: 59m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Urls: La cucina cubana

Attached images:

  • Allegato 1


Madelaine Vazquez

Year: 1967
City: L'Avana
School: University
Profession: Teacher/Professor
Languages: Spagnolo

Document by: Giovanni Angelucci
Video by: Giovanni Angelucci
Created: 01-01-2012

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