Elisa Piazza

Bronca Sisters winery

Elisa Piazza, an oenologist and owner of the Bronce Sisters Winey. She was interviewed in 2013 by the students of the University of Gastronomic Sciences.
She explains the history of her firm, in particular dealing with the theme of organic farming and organic wine.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Veneto

City: Vidor

District: TV

Altitude: 152m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Elisa Piazza

Date of birth: 02-25-1978
City: Valdobbiadene
Profession: Self-employed
Languages: Italiano

Document by: Andrea Casero
Video by: Perla Scotto, Mariasole Cuomo, Lodovica Bo, Giulia Tramis, Valeria Porcellana, Friederike Gaedke, Maria Namatovu, Gael Aliano, Konstantin Steinmeyer
Created: 22-05-2013

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