Hugo Roberto Sentineo

Fundacion Camino Abierto

Interviewed in 2013, Hugo Roberto Sentineo, born in 1943, tells the history of his project to the students of the University of Gastronomic Sciences, who were involved in a study trip in Argentina- progetto.

A successful entrepreneur, owner of a furniture making firm in Buenos Aires, Hugo Roberto together with his wife Susana began helping cominciano ad aiutare i ragazzi di street children. After some year, they moved to a rural village, 80 km far from Buenos Aires, isolated but full of nature. They started cultivating organic food and continued their work with the children. The group grew fast in people and means. They have continued their involvement in agriculture, and expanded up to offering services for turism and other cultural actvities. 
The group became a fundation named Camino Abierto (Camino Aperto).   

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: AR

City: Carlos Keen, Luján (Buenos Aires)

Altitude: 21m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Hugo Roberto Sentieno

Year: 1943
Languages: Español




Document by: Beatriz Gómez Jordana
Video by: Sudenti UNISG
Created: 11-02-2013

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