Maria Luisa Dubbini

Ristorante Emilia

Maria Luisa Dubbini is the owner of Ristorante Emilia in Portonovo (AN). She was interviewed by the students of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in 2013.
She tells the history of her restaurant and in particular the activities of her mather, Emilia.
She shows the preparation of the "secret" recipe of the mussels sauce she was taught by her mother .

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Marche

City: Ancona

District: AN

Altitude: 7m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Maria Luisa Dubbini

Year: 1938
City: Ancona
Profession: Other
Languages: Italiano

Document by: Andrea Casero
Video by: Marion Aguilar Voza, Daniela Bieder, Jacopo Fumagalli, Gabriele Malevolti, Leora Meidan, Enrico Micioni, Federico Mina, Eleonora Pozzi, Matteo Serpi, Justin Jern-Joong Yip, Tommaso Zangrillo.
Created: 03-06-2013

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